The recent decision of the German government to stop atomic energy production has intensified the debate between energy production and energy consumption.
Besides, the German government in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union laid down a concept in September 2008 for an environmentally and reliable energy supply. It is intended that by 2050 the following goals should be achieved. These are:
Reduction of the emission of greenhouses gases by at least 80 % as compared to 1990;
Extension of the use of renewable energies that shall contribute to at least 60 % of the gross energy consumption.
According to the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR), biomass shall contribute to at least 23 % of the entire energy supply that shall cover the demands for heat, electricity and fuel.
Kick-off Meeting European project NATUREEF On the 24th and 25th of February 2016, the kick-off meeting for the European cluster excellence project NATUREEF took place.